Tuesday 16 April 2013

World's First Photograph

Can you Guess what is this?

This was the world's first Photo. A man named Joseph Niepce took this first photograph. This is a photo of farm buildings and the sky. It utilizes about 8 hours For exposure time (effective length of time a camera's shutter is open). Joseph Niepce capture this image in 1826 at France. The photo had a resolution of 8"x 6.5". The simple technique behind this was that the photograph was coated the pewter plate with bitumen which is a petroleum derivative sensitive to light. Bitumen is invisible in direct light. After 8 hours of hardening, Niepce ashed the plate with a mixture of oil ie, white petroleum and lavender. The process dissolved the portions of the bitumen .So it didn't harden. Is it quiet brilliant? After all  Joseph Niepce called his work a heliograph for a tribute to the great power of the sun. This image undergoes certain research process and ultimately came back to the display of University of Texas in a air tight case.