This is one of the Austria's famous and beautiful park situated in Tragöß (Tragoess) surrounded with mountains. For half the year, this place is under water due to an extreme and rare natural phenomena.
In winter season this land is completely dry and used as a park. But in summer season the temperature rises to 6–7 °C (43–45 °F) and nature of the park completely changes. The snow covering the surrounding mountains begins to melt completely and the water pours down, filling the basin below with crystal-clear water. The water is so clear that even the bottom of the park is visible to the viewers. Water levels rises over 10 meters, in the early summer. This place is one of the amazing tourist places in Austria. Most of the tourists around the world came to view this interesting scene. They are curious to see what a mountain park looks like underwater. The lake is very popular among divers because they can see a real park under the water and observe green meadows at the edge zone of the lake and a bridge and bench particularly in the month of June when the water level is at its highest.